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  Flora Wildflowers /  Cranes-Bill Bloody Geranium

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Cranes-Bill Bloody Geranium

Geranium sanguineum     Fr: Géranium Sanguin

Gallery of 5 photos for Cranes-Bill Bloody Geranium

The Bloody Crane's Bill, or Bloody Geranium, is a hardy perennial. The name crane's bill derives from the appearance of the fruit capsule - common to the various other stork's bill and crane's bill species. The reference to red (sanguineum) comes from the Autumn colors in the leaves, not the flower.

Flowers. June-Aug

Flower. Purple blossoms, 2.5 - 4 cm.

Leaves. The palmately-lobed leaves have five lobes and each segment is tripartite in large teeth.

Habitat. Dry forests, dry grassy areas, brush. They tend to grow in chalky soil, and like a lot of heat.

Fruit. The fruit has five single-seed portions.

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