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  Flora Wildflowers /  Wild Australis Tulip

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Wild Australis Tulip

Tulipa australis     Fr: Tulipa Australis

Gallery of 3 photos for Wild Australis Tulip

This Tulipa australis is a shorter variant of the Wild Tulip (Tulipa sylvestris). It is thought that the more common Tulipa sylvestris actually derived from this species.
Wild tulips vary considerably with the weather: flowers are bullet shaped in cool and windy weather, and open out, and even curl back, in hot weather.

Flowers. Apr-June

Flower. The three outer petals (tepals) of australis are tinged with pink or crimson on the exterior. The anthers are only 2.5-4mm (not 9-14mm).

Leaves. Narrow, channelled leaves, about 30 cm long.

Habitat. Mountain meadows and rocky places. Our photo was taken in the Alpes Maritimes, at 1100 m altitude; you can see the "rocky places" in our photo.

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