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Bagnols-sur-Cèze Trompe-l-Oeils

Gallery of 10 photos for Bagnols-sur-Cèze Trompe-l-Oeils

Bagnols-sur-Cèze has a number of very nice and imaginative wall murals in the old center.
Our favorite trompe l'oeil is the large mural at the corner of Rue Léon Alègre and Rue du Chat, at the northeast edge of the old-town oval. The mural depicts an ancient Rue Léon Alègre from when the town lavoirs were used for clothes washing along the street.

Rue Fernand Crémieux pedestrian street, Bagnols The pedestrian shopping street Rue Fernand Crémieux, running east from the lower corner of the main square (Place Auguste Mallet) has several trompe l'oeil murals. Many of them depict shops, possibly the very shops that are (or were) there. Most these murals are quite old but, sadly, they don't last forever.

Trompe l'Oeil Chez Vincent, Bagnols-sur We discovered a cute little inside-comment with the facade of the "Chez Vincent" bar mural. In the "window" to the right of the bar entry two women are sitting at a table. This is a scene directly from the Edward Hopper painting Chop Suey. It makes us wonder how many other similar discoveries could be made from the other Bagnols-sur-Cèze trompe-l-oeils.

Trompe l'Oeil Atelier d'Eve, at Rue As recently as last year (2013) our favorite trompe l'oeil in Bagnols-sur-Cèze was the large "Atelier d'Eve" mural at the corner of Rue Juiverie and Rue Fernand Crémieux. This mural was continued around the corner across the front of the shop along Rue Crémieux.

Replacement for the previous Alas! This is the June 2014 version of a wall mural. Cost is no doubt an important factor during these times of difficulty for small shops.

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