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  Villages /  Peillon /  Peillon Photo Gallery

The world's oldest, largest (and best) website about Provence

Peillon Photo Gallery

  •  Peillon photo peillon011.jpg

    1/9. Perched village, from the front

  •  Peillon photo peillon013.jpg

    2/9. Village viewed from the approach road

  •  Peillon photo peillon0008.jpg

    3/9. Perched village edge view, on the rocky cliffs

  •  Peillon photo peillon019.jpg

    4/9. The 1800 fountain by the entrance to the village

  •  Peillon photo peillon0013.jpg

    5/9. Vaulted passage and steep village streets

  •  Peillon photo peillon0014.jpg

    6/9. Stone houses and step-streets in the village

  •  Peillon photo peillon017.jpg

    7/9. Church and village square, at the very top.

  •  Peillon photo peillon0001.jpg

    8/9. Gare de Peillon - Ste-Thècle

  •  Peillon photo peillon0010.jpg

    9/9. Ancient little stone bridge outside village

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 Russ photo russ.png After 25 years online, I've decided to remove all Ads from my one-man web Provence Beyond. If the content is enjoyable or useful to you, I would really appreciate your support.