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Perpignan Photo Gallery

  •  Perpignan photo perpignan0106b.jpg

    1/19. Red-brick Castillet tower in Perpignan

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    2/19. Canal-like Bassa river in the center of Perpignan

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    3/19. 14th-center Loge de Mer building in Perpignan

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    4/19. Gargoyle and ship high on Perpignan's Loge de Mer

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    5/19. Courtyard of Perpignan's Hotel de Ville (town hall)

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    6/19. Ancient sundial in the courtyard of Perpignan's Hotel de Ville (town hall) - Place de la Loge

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    7/19. Narrow pedestrian street and terrace restaurants in Perpignan old town

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    8/19. Wider pedestrian street in Perpignan old town

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    9/19. The 15th-century Fontaine Na Pincarda in Perpignan - near the Place du Figuier

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    10/19. Place Jean Moulin in Perpignan - beside Rue Côte des Carmes

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    11/19. A wonderful trompe-l'oeil in the old town of Perpignan

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    12/19. Carousel in the Place de la République of Perpignan

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    13/19. Perpignan's Place de la République, terrace cafés anda sundial

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    14/19. Reflections, at the Place de la République, Perpignan

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    15/19. Bronze lizard fountain in the little Place de la Revolution of Perpignan

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    16/19. Narrow old-town street of Perpignan, from the Place de la Revolution

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    17/19. A really ornate campanile on top of St Jean-Baptiste church in Perpignan

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    18/19. A Perpignan bicycle-sharing station ath the Majorque Palace

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    19/19. Majorque Palace (Palais Rois de Majorque) in Perpignan

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